Boys and Girls Clothes?

Everyone knows how girls dress, we can dress in dresses and pants with t-shirts basically however we want. But boys they can really only dress with pants because if a boy were to dress in a dress he would get looked at weird or talked about and bullied. Why is this? Shouldn’t we be promoting gender equality we want that for girls and women but what about for boys and men. I’m not saying when a girl dresses too tom boyish she doesn’t get made fun of because I’m certain she does but I’m also certain it is way worse and way more unacceptable for a boy to dress like a girl than for a girl to dress like a girl. I think there needs to be a common boundary that if a boy can do it than a girl should be allowed to do it and the same for boys. Who is it hurting if a boy wore a dress? No one! I think people just needs to let go of the judgment and let everyone be free to be themselves and then everyone would be happier. What do you guys think, should boys be allowed to wear dresses?

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. rashaanhale
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 01:30:23

    As a guy, I would just say, you need to be comfortable in your own skin. For a male to dress as a female, it is not hurting anyone directly, but indirectly, it can effect another man’s pride.



    • toryreid
      Apr 14, 2015 @ 02:19:23

      I really don’t understand how it could effect another mans pride and yes I do agree that person has to be comfortable in his own skin but if he is why should he still be judged? I just think the problem is everyone thinks they know what is best for someone else when we should all just be able to make choices for ourselves and not worry about others.



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