A Call to Men

I came across this TED talk by Tony Porter, whose story I thought was so interesting and relevant to my category. He talks about how men are put into this box of how they are supposed to act. With himself having two kids, one daughter and one son found himself already putting his very young son into this box of how he is supposed to act as well. When his daughter came to him crying it was ok for her to do that but when his son did it he gave him 5 seconds before he told him ok “that’s enough stop crying, you can’t do that” and he wondered why. He thinks that because men are made to act a certain way and always be tough it could and is what leads to men abusing, mistreating and disrespecting women. Take a look at the video, honestly I thought it was such a great video to watch and gives so much insight. Let me know what you think.

Like a Girl continued.

So how many of you have said stop acting like such a girl, or you are acting like a girl? I know I have and after seeing this commercial I really did not understand how much of an impact it could really have on a young girl. I remember it being said to me when I was growing up and it did make me feel upset but it also made me want to work harder at whatever I was doing. Like if I was told I was running like such a girl I remember pushing myself to run faster and trying to beat the boys, I always wanted to be better than the boys. But I think if maybe we stop using this phrase girls wouldn’t have to compete with the boys, we could all just work together. I think by this phrase we are just making more problems and more competition that is unneeded. We shouldn’t have to prove ourselves boys or girls.


My last post leads me into the always commercial like a girl. If you watched the super bowl than you might have saw this commercial. The commercial shows men, women, boys and girls being asked questions about how girls act, like how do girls run, throw, and fight. For the older men, women and little boys you see them acting almost like girls can’t do certain things, like how they run is too prissy, or when they throw they don’t throw as hard as they could and when they fight they just throw their hands all over the place. But when they bring little girls and ask them the same questions they take it seriously, they run fast, they throw as hard as they can and fight as good as they can. What this commercial is showing, we need to stop telling young girls they do something like girls because it is an insult and it will hurt them in the future, they will think well I thought I was strong but by you telling me I’m doing something like a girl I must be weak because what does that mean, “I’m doing something like a girl”. I honestly loved this commercial and think it needs to be played more to really get the message out. Girls self-esteems already go down from so many other things and if we could get one of those things off the list that would be great! If you have not seen the commercial here it is.

You act like such a Girl

The amount of times I’ve heard you’re acting like such a girl is way too many to count. How I heard it is by someone either saying it to me or hearing someone say it to someone else  whether that person be a boy or girl. But what does it mean to act like a girl? When I hear someone say it to a boy I assume they mean stop being weak or emotional because lets face it, women are always assumed to be emotional wrecks. And when I hear someone say it to a girl I assume they mean it like come on toughen up act like a boy or a man. But why can’t acting like a girl be tough and not emotional or weak? I really don’t like this phrase you act like such a girl, because then when a girl starts “acting” like a boy she gets judged so either way it is a lose lose situation for us girls. I know for guys it isn’t nice either because you don’t want to be told you are acting like such a girl because then you will be judged as well. What do you all think?

Be a Man?

Why are men told to be a man? Aren’t they already men? By telling  men to be a man it is telling them be tough, be macho, basically I believe don’t be weak or worse yet a woman. Take the new taco bell commercial for instance; during the whole commercial in the background someone is saying “be a man” while you are watching men doing “manly things” all while at the end of the commercial you are supposed to go out and eat their steak tacos to be a man. Taco bell is saying for you to be a man you have to do these manly things and buy one of their steak tacos, I think that is a little too much just for a taco. The underlying message  of this commercial I think is how a man should look and act, why should you have to look and act this way to be considered a man? Couldn’t they put a man taking care of a family or  cleaning his house and then eating his steak taco and still be manly? What do you think? Just in case you haven’t seen the commercial here it is.

Does Gender Inequality Affect Men too?

Hello all,

I’ve found this article touching a little bit on the topic of men and gender inequalities. I believe most of the time when we hear gender inequalities we mostly think about women fighting for their rights but it is a gender issue as a whole. Men have responsibilities to fight for their rights as well and help fight for the rights of women. I think this article gives a good input on both those subjects!


To be topless or not…

My view on free the nipple campaign is I believe women should have the same rights as men. I personally would not walk around topless but I stand behind what the campaign stands for. I believe women should be able to breast feed their child in public when needed, it is natural. The campaign also says it could help women’s bodies become less hyper-sexualized and for men to not see women as sex objects. I know this would take a lot of time but maybe it could work. I understand everyday, in our day to day life no one should be topless including men because it is uncomfortable, but shouldn’t women have the same rights as men? I do stand behind the campaign but again it is a iffy topic of how it could turn out. It definitely would be an interesting topic to debate.

Great Article

Hello everyone!

I’ve found a really great article, I believe helps explain more about what free the nipple campaign really is and what it truly stands for. It is not just about giving women the ability to walk around topless carefree. Read about it, give it a chance and learn a little more 🙂 ps. due to this topic this article does display nudity.


Free the what?

Free the nipple has been a big thing for the past couple of months. Many stars have been involved like Miley Cyrus and Rihanna. The point about free the nipple is women should have the same rights as men to walk round without a shirt or a bra on.  Below is a poll, it is not just for the girls, guys please feel free to answer thinking about how you would feel for your mom, sister or girlfriend for their rights or if you wouldn’t want them to show their bodies.

First post

Hi everyone!
It is no secret that in today’s world there are still Gender Inequalities but there are also Similarities. During this course I plan on exploring many topics surrounding this subject. If you have any suggestions on what you might want to see discussed first please let me know.

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